Friday, December 26, 2008

dear santa

dear santa,

i have been a good boy. i ate cupcakes. i want cupcakes for me. i want mickey mouse. goodbye.

-from rhett

Friday, December 19, 2008

(mi amor ricardo)

I listen to the rhythm
Of the violin
Four strings that create
a melancholy

The process
Is evolving
Just like the

First position
Sweet courting
Octave accelerates
And follows

And here we are
Five years
Making music
bow and wood collides

in harmony
weak at times
parts glued
soul whole.

-duchesne 12.15.2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008


(to my baby)

So you feel hollow
And raw
Almost that dragging

Yet somehow
You know
It is but
A passage

I love you
And I miss you
And will
Always care

It is a complex
Feeling that
Can drag
Can uplift

And mostly feel
Once again
A matter of time.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

another alibi

another alibi

you tell me you love me
and yet
you want us apart
am lost on what to think

as confused and
as conflicted as you are.

so we do not belong
we do not get along
that we are apart
for so long

as confused and
as conflicted as you are.

so sudden
am sadden
and the answers
do not make sense

as confused and
as conflicted as you are.

sleepless nights
racing thoughts
crazy heartbeat
doubtful truth

as confused and
as conflicted as you are.

-duchesne 12.5.2008