Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Carols

Every year at this time of the year for the past two years, Rhett would performed at the Dragon Hill Lodge lobby with his classmates and sing Christmas carols. So here he is with the all the 2nd graders making us proud. They rehearsed many times to come up with such joyous songs.

Normally, he would be shy and hiding and I cannot hardly take photos. This year he was coming off his shell.

All of the 2nd Graders from Ms. Crawford, Ms. Lowder and Ms. Stewart singing popular holiday songs.

Gingerbread house display from the Dragon Hill Lodge. Every holiday they display elaborate Christmas decorations.

The DHL also provide food to all the participants after the performance at the Bentley's bar and restaurant.

Rhett with his 2nd grade teacher - Ms. Lowder. Ms. Lowder loves to spoil her class.

Here is Rhett's class photo. Thank you son for an awesome performance!