Saturday, September 8, 2012

Suji's Restaurant in Itaewon

When it came to picking a restaurant for Rhett's 7th birthday lunch... it didn't take a second to make up his mind. "Mom, Suji's!" He loves Suji's so much he has a teddy bear named after it. LOL.  Suji's is on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building above Han's Engraving. It is a hop and and skip from where we live on post/base. 
It is located in 4-16 2nd & 3rd Fl. Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea with telephone
02-797-3698. It is famous for its brunch in Seoul. Suji's home-style menu includes such American favorites as mouth-watering blueberry pancakes for 13,000 won and giant omelets for 15,000 won ($15).

Rhett and I waiting at the crowded entry. This place gets real busy and waiting time varies. Fortunately, Rhett had his PSP to pass time.

This is the counter where you pay after your meal. 

And true enough he ordered what he likes best in Suji's - guess what?!

Chicken Alfredo pasta. He had Dr. Pepper soda to go with it. Chicken Alfredo is his favorite food.

 We ate at the second floor with a nice window view. The weather was just perfect. Sunshiny and all.

Happy 7th birthday Rhett!

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