Tuesday, September 9, 2008

back to school

so today rhett went back to school after two weeks break. he wasn't enthused with school as what can be expected. he had too much freedom with not much of a schedule except for his daily routine such as bath time, bedtime reading, etc. the whole house was in shambles with his toys all over the place.

the first thing he said this morning was he did not want to go to school. didn't he want to see ms. gaby his teacher? and his friends like peter and mateja? no, he said. not much of a choice really since i had to go to work and he would rather leave the house with me.

we forgot his thomas the train nap mat at home. oh well with so many luggage it is not surprising. he had two lunch boxes and i had one.

he wasn't in the mood for his morning milk which was unusual. he said he did not want to go to school and he wanted his daddy.

am glad he has vivid memory of his father who is currently deployed in the the arabian gulf.

once again i had to leave him in the care of his morning shift montessori teacher - ms. gaby. a young mexican lass that is so child friendly and a very creative facilitator.

his tone was quite different at the end of the day when i picked him up. this time he said he wanted to go back to school. he is in pre-primary school. we saw peter and armando who are his buddies lining up with the big kids class. we said our goodbyes.

i could not help but utter "ohmigosh peter and armando are now in the big school". two weeks ago they were in his class. the BIG difference is they are potty train.

rhett was scheduled for the big school. the big issue... go on get a tissue. he was NOT potty train.

it is not a lack of trying. he has all the intro to potty training. from videos of "once upon a potty" to the potty training books and all sorts of potty gadgets you can imagine. the latest one comes with an attached steps to the butt cushion/pad.

he still hides when he has to go. embarrassment. he still refused to go potty. he still thinks "easyups/pullups" are cool and not an additional expense. Ha!

maybe am just tad bit easy to give up or lazy. or just espouses that he will come round to it when he is ready. i guess i am adopting maria montessori's philosophy as in let the child grow at their own pace. okay then.

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