Monday, February 15, 2010

I can write the months!

i can write the months! that was what rhett just did. so i had to chronicle this very significant moment in his young life. he took my iphone to copy the months in the calendar application.


and basically started copying the months on his own. very savvy. this was all happening in his playroom with the ikea dry erase board. i was held captive by such brilliance.


and i say so... because it required no prodding. he was just interested in sharing his knowledge. every first - every thirst - is a joy. so i sat and relish the moment.


long words (n-o-v-e-m-b-e-r, s-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r, etc.) for a four year old. he was just too happy to share his accomplishment. our favorite month of course is april. april 29 when he turns 5. party time.


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