Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oma's Pumpkin Patch


am playing with the photo upload. looks like the blogsite revised on how photos are added. am still confused as it is. anyhoo, this is our visit to oma's pumpkin patch in lakeside. it was an invite from the family readiness group (frg). gina geigley (president) came with her family. her husband (justin) came home early from the ships' deployment.

rhett learning to milk a cow. this was made of wood and water came out of the tube.


okay am getting better...


how tall am i. a fun and educational tool.

looks like i am 36 inches. rhett is all smiles amidst the heat. he is camera ready and has taken to experimenting the camera as well. he enjoys taking photographs.


we have never seen cotton seed as a ride. this is so childproof. soft and soft.


wheee!!! cotton sledding.

getting the hang of it.


mini pumpkin.


driving to lakeside, ca where oma is. quite scenic actually.

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